PC-9821 Preview...
The PC-9821 has finally made it out of storage!
The PC-9821 has finally made it out of storage!
You may notice some differences here… and by that I mean yes, this site has moved to Write.As!
So I stumbled across a electronics recycler whilst window shopping on eBay (as you do) with a bunch of these Mitac MIStation PC's. Suspecting these where possibly 486/Pentium desktops I dropped a cheeky low offer on one and a week later it arrived on my doorstep.
... or really perhaps you should ask “why is every other site so bloated?”
So continuing on from last time... We now have the fated PC-98 HDD in our possession, and I should probably add a Disclaimer at this point...
Hopefully you are all familiar with vintage computing and retro gaming enthusiast, YouTuber and un-official face of Superdry UK CTRL-ALT-REES (if not why not? Go check him out!), who recently acquired and restored a couple of NEC PC-9821's from Japan.